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Essential Amazon Image Requirements & Best Practices for Sellers

Thu Oct 17, 2024 Amazon Tips

Amazon image requirements are crucial for ensuring your product listings stand out and comply with Amazon’s strict guidelines. High-quality images not only help to capture potential buyers’ attention but also enhance the credibility of your listing.

By following Amazon’s specific rules regarding image size, resolution, and content, sellers can avoid listing suppression and improve product visibility.

In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Amazon’s image requirements and provide best practices to optimize your images for better sales.

What Are Amazon Image Requirements?

Amazon has a strict set of rules for product images to ensure consistency, quality, and an optimal shopping experience for customers. These guidelines cover aspects like image size, resolution, background, and content restrictions. Failing to comply with these requirements can result in product listings being suppressed or removed, leading to potential revenue loss.

Key for Sellers:

  1. Image Format and Resolution:

    • Images must be in JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or GIF formats.
    • The minimum resolution is 1,000 pixels on the longest side, and images should be at least 500 pixels on the shortest side to enable the zoom feature.
    • Recommended image size: 2,000 x 2,000 pixels for maximum zoom.
  2. Color Mode:

    • Images should be in RGB or CMYK color modes. Amazon does not accept grayscale images.
  3. Background:

    • For the main image, the background must be pure white (RGB 255, 255, 255). This ensures consistency across the platform and enhances product visibility.
  4. File Naming:

    • Image file names must include the product identifier (ASIN), followed by a period and the appropriate file extension (e.g., B000123456.jpg).
    • No spaces, dashes, or special characters are allowed in file names.

Amazon Main Requirements

The main image is the first impression potential buyers have of your product. Amazon is particularly strict about these images as they appear on search results, category pages, and the product detail page.

Main Image Guidelines:

  • The product must fill 85% of the image frame.
  • The background must be pure white.
  • The product must be fully visible (no part of the product should be cropped or cut off).
  • No watermarks, texts, or logos are allowed.
  • No additional objects or props that are not included in the product sale.
  • Clothing and accessories can be displayed on mannequins or laid flat, but not on human models.

If you are selling on Amazon and want to avoid suspensions due to non-compliance with image guidelines, you may want to visit this guide on Amazon suspensions and reinstatement.

Secondary Requirements

Amazon allows sellers to upload multiple secondary images to showcase their product from various angles or in use. These images are vital in providing more detailed information about the product to potential buyers.

Key Secondary Image Guidelines:

  • Secondary images can feature lifestyle shots, showing the product in use.
  • Close-up images of product details or instructional photos are recommended.
  • Backgrounds for secondary images do not need to be pure white.
  • Images with text overlays can be used to highlight key product features.
  • Before-and-after photos can help demonstrate product effectiveness.

If you’re considering using images to highlight specific product features, you can also learn more about trademark infringement issues and appeals for Amazon sellers.

Image Requirements for Specific Categories

Some categories on Amazon have additional image requirements, particularly for clothing, electronics, and jewelry.

Clothing & Accessories:

  • Main images must show the product laid flat or on an invisible mannequin.
  • Swatches must be included for products with multiple color variations.

Jewelry & Watches:

  • The product should fill 100% of the image frame, leaving no unnecessary space.
  • High-resolution close-ups to showcase intricate details are recommended.

For those dealing with Amazon FBA and wondering how to optimize your listings, check out our guide on mastering Amazon FBA in 2024.

Amazon 360 Image Requirements

Using 360-degree images can give potential buyers a complete view of your product, helping them to make more informed purchasing decisions. This feature allows customers to rotate the product and view it from all angles.

Guidelines for 360-Degree Images:
  • The image file must be compatible with Amazon’s 360-degree viewer.
  • Ensure high resolution and proper lighting to showcase the product’s features.

360-degree images are particularly useful in categories like electronics and furniture, where details matter. If you are new to selling on Amazon, read our step-by-step guide for individual sellers to help get started.

Amazon Swatch Image Requirements

For products with color or style variations, Amazon requires swatch images to show these differences clearly. Swatch images appear as small thumbnails beneath the main image, allowing users to select different colors or styles easily.

Swatch Guidelines:

  • Swatch images should be simple and clear.
  • Use colors that match the product exactly, avoiding any misleading representations.

If you’re facing legal challenges around product listings, including patent infringements related to product images, visit our guide on Amazon seller patent infringement.

Best Practices for Product Images

Following Amazon’s technical requirements is just the first step. To truly stand out, you need to optimize your images for conversion and customer engagement.

  1. Use All Available Image Slots: Amazon allows up to nine images per listing (including the main image). Use this space to provide a comprehensive view of your product.
  2. Create Unique Lifestyle Images: Lifestyle images help potential buyers visualize how the product fits into their lives.
  3. Include Text Overlays and Infographics: Highlight important features or benefits by adding text or creating infographics. However, be sure that these images are used as secondary images, not the main one.
  4. Leverage 360-Degree Views: For high-value products, consider using 360-degree images to allow customers to explore your product from every angle.
  5. Focus on High Resolution: Always aim for high-quality, high-resolution images that enable Amazon’s zoom function. The better the clarity, the more likely customers will trust the product’s quality.
  6. Hire a Professional: If you don’t have the tools or skills to take high-quality product photos, investing in a professional photographer can significantly enhance your listings.


Ensuring that your product images meet Amazon’s strict guidelines is essential for maintaining a strong presence on the platform. High-quality, optimized images not only adhere to Amazon’s requirements but also increase your product’s chances of being featured prominently and converting browsers into buyers. Follow these guidelines and best practices to boost your product’s visibility and sales on Amazon.

If you’re planning to learn more about how to protect your Amazon business or deal with listing issues, read our guide on Amazon Section 3 suspension.


What are the rules for pictures on Amazon?

Amazon requires high-quality images that adhere to specific size, resolution, and content rules. Images must be in formats like JPEG or PNG, with a minimum resolution of 1,000 pixels on the longest side.

What are the criteria for Amazon photos?

Images must be clear, accurately represent the product, and meet Amazon’s technical requirements. Main images need to have a pure white background, with the product filling at least 85% of the frame.

What are the file requirements for Amazon Photos?

Accepted formats include JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and GIF. The recommended image size is 2,000 x 2,000 pixels, and files must be named using the product identifier (ASIN).

Does Amazon prefer JPEG or PNG?

Amazon accepts both JPEG and PNG formats, though JPEG is preferred due to its smaller file size and faster loading times.

Why won’t my photos upload to Amazon Photos?

Issues with photo uploads usually stem from incorrect file formats, naming errors, or images not meeting Amazon’s minimum resolution requirements.